Euro trip to Belgium and Netherlands


Depuis la décision des Etats membres en 1997 de faire de Bruxelles le siège des institutions européennes, Bruxelles est devenue la Capitale de l'Europe. A étudier en classe, et présenter sous forme de poster commenté aux parents: - Institutions européennes > quel est le rôle de Bruxelles dans ces institutions - Combien de bruxellois travaillent pour l'Europe, poids économique... Sur place: - interviews: Is it a good thing for Brussels to be the capital of Europe ? how would you feel if the capital of Europe was moved to another city ? (more in the center of Europe ?) Do you feel you're at the center of Europe ?
The European Parliament represents the citizens in the European Union. Every member state has representatives in the European Parliament. The decisions on the general policies of the EU are made by the European Council. The European Commission prepares legislative bills and makes a proposal for the EU’s budget. The final decisions are made by the Parliament together with the Council of Ministers.

Discover European District in Brussels
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Belgium – EU member country profile | European Union
How Belgium is represented in the different EU institutions, how much money it gives and receives, its political system and trade figures.
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European institutions in Brussels — Région bruxelloise - Brussels Gewest
First chosen as the seat of the European Economic Community (EEC) – since superseded by the European Union – in 1958, Brussels is now the centre of European institutions and decision-making.
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